Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last night at the dinner table I blurted out that I was wearing three bras. It wasn't embarassing, but mom got mad. You see, I read that wearing multiple sports bras can make a good binder for your chest. It worked okay, and it was really comfey compared to ACE bandages.

I'm still cutting myself. [sarcasm] Yay![/sarcasm] As I said, it's like an addiction. Once you start you just can't stop. And like a drug, it really does work. It makes me happy for a while. I did make a rule, though. I'm not aloud to make more than one cut per day. That seems reasonable.

I got really hyper today while holding a glass bottle. Do you know how hard it is not to throw one of those things when you're hyper? It's like a giant bowl of icecream in front of you, and you love icecream, and everyone else is eating it, but you're lactosintollerent (or however that's spelled).

I'm still having trouble with the whole 'what to do after high school' thing. The weirdest job that's ever been suggested to me was a hitman. Weird, huh? I actually thought about it though. I actually know a few people that I would want to work with. They're amazing.

Something not in real life for a moment. I have all these roleplays that I need to reply to! D8 Some of them are boring, some of them I really just don't know what to do next. I feel guilty when I don't reply for more than a day, though. -__-

Enough of problems, let's actually talk about something happy.... hmmmm... Oh! My cousins are coming over tomarrow! I can't wait to see them... I'm not even related to them, we've just known eachother since preschool. When your whole family has known their whole family your whole life, it starts to feel like you're family.

That reminds me. A long time ago I saw the school counsiler at elementary school. She made me draw this diagram that looked like the layers of the earth. The people outside the circle were stranger, first inside was aquaintances, next friends, best friends, then family. She told me to figure out where everyone in my life fit into my circle, but never to tell anyone because they might have me in a diffrent place.

To tell you the truth, I think most therapists are retarded. I've only met two that actually have helped and those are the past two school counselors I've had. Mr. Plouman is just amazing at what he does. I've always wanted to see a therapist and just mess with their head. It sounds like fun. Maybe I'll do it someday soon.

Adios, amigos!
Au revoir, mes amis!
拜拜, 我的朋友!
じゃあね、 私の友達!
안녕, 나친구!
Bye, guys!


Altara Vellinov said...

...Three bras? How do you say something like that so randomly XD?

Meep said...

I'm talented.

Momo said...

therapist are all crazy pill poppers >.<

yous are getting all fancy with the languages yes?

And I'll repeat what Shini said.

THREE?!?!? We you just sitting there like 'oh yea... and blah blah blah I'm wearing three bras blah blah a-blah blah' ?!?!? that's what I imagined!!

Meep said...

Yeah, actaully. I was XD

turtur6 said...

well yeah thx for the mention! owo